MEET - Multi-sites EGS Demonstration

Welcome to the MEET Project website !

The MEET Project (Multidisciplinary and multi-context demonstration of Enhanced Geothermal Systems exploration and Exploitation Techniques and potentials) aims at boosting the development of Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS) across Europe in various geological contexts (sedimentary, volcanic, metamorphic and crystalline) by different means.


Version including 3 interviews from Eric Leoutre (Vermilion), Eleonore Dalmais (Electricité de Strasbourg – Géothermie), and by Bernd Leiss and Ali Abdelkhalek (Georg-August-Universität Göttingen).

Short version without interviews

16 partners

The MEET project has 16 partners coming from 5 different countries

10% heat to power conversion efficiency improvment

MEET will demonstrate power production at low temperature by improving up to 10% the efficiency of heat to power conversion.

1 tool to replicate the technology

MEET will bring a decision making tool to target most promising sites for near future EGS capacity installation.

1,000 million tons of CO2 saved per year

The overall CO2 saving from geothermal electricity can be in around 1,000 million tons per year.


Check our reports and publications here!



In order to honour the women who works for MEET we worked on a campaign called #MEETLOVESITSWOMEN that consist in sharing with you the portraits of the MEET Women!   Gender balance is a major challenge in nowadays society and especially in technical activities such as the geothermal industry. To encourage young women to take…

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10th of December 2021 Clément Baujard (ES-Geothermie) will be involved in an IGC webinar

On December 10th, 2021, Clement Baujard from ÉS-Géothermie will present at 2 pm (CET) a “Feedback from Soultz-sous-Forêts, Rittershoffen and Illkirch industrial geothermal sites operation and environmental monitoring” within an IGC webinar, which is focusing on Geothermal Energy – Energy for the Weekend. Please visit the IGC event website ( for more information and to register.

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Announcement of Johanne KLEE (ULS) PhD defense

Johanne KLEE, PhD student in ULS will defend her PhD thesis the 26th of November 2021 at 9:00 am (UTC+1 Paris) at UniLasse Influence of fluid-rock interaction processes and strain on strike-slip zones properties: An analogue-based multidisciplinary approach. Fractured granitic geothermal reservoirs applications ABSTRACT This contribution aims at a better understanding of basement rock petrophysical…

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Condorcet heat delivery project

The Condorcet heat delivery project aims delivering geothermal heat from an oilfield to a high school located in Arcachon, France. This area of France is located in a large sedimentary basin, hence the presence of numerous oilfields, whose production started in the 60’s. Today most of them are exploited by VERMILION. These so- called “mature”…

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Economic EGS-analysis for the Göttingen University Campus

Göttingen is not within the type of area traditionally considered to have high geothermal potential. Moreover, there is currently little information about the geology of the target rocks at 3000 to 5000 m depths, which consist of complexly folded and thrusted metamorphic rocks. Such a geothermal target has not previously been exploited for geothermal energy.…

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