Oil & Geothermal coproduction

Name: Condorcet High School project, in Arcachon
Location: Arcachon (FR)
Project status: Detailled engineering phase on-going
Owner: Vermilion Energy
Operator: Vermilion Energy

Key figures
This project aims to recover heat from Vermilion surface installations.
The MEET project has given the opportunity to come with a partnership between Vermilion and the Nouvelle-Aquitaine Region to refurbish the Condorcet high school’s heating system which is located nearby Vermilion’s oil field Les Pins.

Les Pins field is located South West of France. Water production is reinjected at this site to support the reservoir pressure.

Within MEET, the Condorcet High School project will be a demonstration site for heat co-production.

Location of Vermilion site and the future heat end-user

Les Pins field is located 2800 m deep in the Aquitaine Purbeckian reservoir. This reservoir consists of braided stream, incised valley, and alluvial fan deposits. Les Pins consists of 3 different “zones” of sand quality where the permeability can be as high as 20 Darcies.

Les Pins reservoir model

A 500-kW heat exchanger will be implemented on Les Pins site to supply heat to the Condorcet high school.
At Les Pins oil field, hot water (60°C) is reinjected at 350 m3/d (up to 800 m3/d from early 2020). The Nouvelle Aquitaine Region plans to refurbish the school building’s heating system by supplying heat from greener energies: heat supplied by the current gas boiler will now come from Vermilion’s geothermal heat.

Illustration of the oil production process and the future heat co-production at Les Pins.