Profile & expertise

The UniLaSalle Beauvais Polytechnic Institute is the result of merging between the LaSalle Beauvais Polytechnic Institute and ESITPA on January 1, 2016 and EME March 2018. UniLaSalle is now an institution located on three campuses (cities of Beauvais, Rouen and Rennes respectively), with more than 2000 students and 300 permanent employees. It provides training in the fields of Life Sciences, Agriculture Earth Sciences and Sciences of the Environment and is supported several research units in these fields.

Role in the Project

ULS will be responsible from the day to day scientific management of the project, achieve a 3D fracture pattern characterization of outcrop analogues of the different geothermal reservoir types investigated, find potential end users for thermal power produced from petroleum basins and manage the communication and dissemination of results.

Ghislain Trullenque is a structural geologist with a strong field work experience who obtained his PhD degree at the University of Basel (Basel, Switzerland) in 2005. His main research focus deals with rock deformation mechanisms at various scales in the brittle and ductile fields both under natural and experimental conditions. Ghislain is specialized in rock microfabric characterization with a special emphasis on texture analysis by means of X-ray textural goniometry and Electron Back Scattered Diffraction techniques.

Ghislain works at present as an Associate Professor at the Institut Polytechnique UniLaSalle and is the scientific coordinator of the H2020 MEET project. He is leader of the MEET project’s workpackage dealing with communication and dissemination of the results.

Ghislain supervises the work of a PhD student and a Post-Doctoral fellow on multidisciplinary study of a geothermal reservoir analogue in fractured granitic basement rocks. The study combines conventional field methods associated with digital surveying plus numerical flow models simulations trough time, isotopic dating and thermobarometric modeling. He is also in charge of a master student prospecting end users in the vicinity of oil wells chosen for geothermal energy co-generation within the basin of Paris (France).

Ghislain has been elected this year as a member of the administrative council of the association of Geothermal French Professionals.

Dr. Sébastien Potel is a petrologist of very low-grade metamorphism focusing on the behavior and evolution of clay minerals under temperature conditions below 350°C. His expertise is asked for the review of scientific articles in international peer-review journals, but also for the review of international project based on the study of low grade clay minerals. He is also actually the leader of the research unit B2R (BasinsReservoirs-Resources) in UniLaSalle.


MSc Johanne Klee is a PhD student at UniLaSalle Beauvais (Beauvais, France), GEOS department, B2R team since October 2018. She holds a Master degree in Paleoenvironment, Sedimentology and Paleontology at the University Lyon 1 (affiliated to the Ecole Normale Supérieure, Lyon, France) and a Master degree in environmental engineering at the Ecole et Observatoire des Sciences de la Terre (Strasbourg, France), affiliated to the Ecole Nationale du Génie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement de Strasbourg, France. Her PhD thesis deals with a multidisciplinary study of geothermal reservoirs with a special focus on the investigation of fractured granitic reservoir analogues. Research topics involve the petrographic and petrophysic analysis of fractured granites and associated fault gauges, fluid inclusions analysis, isotopic dating of clay minerals, high resolution photogrammetric 3D survey,  reconstruction of fracture network, and creation of  3D DFN numerical models with Thermo-Hydro-Mechanical and Chemical properties.

Arezki CHABANI is a post-doctoral researcher at UniLaSalle Beauvais (France) GEOS department, B2R team. Arezki did his PhD at MINES ParisTech, PSL (Fontainebleau, France) during 3,5 years and his thesis dealt with a methodological analysis and multiscale characterization of the fracture systems at the interface of basement and sedimentary cover – Application to the geothermal resources – in the Valence basin, South-East France. He also holds a Master about Geology of carbonate reservoirs and a Bachelor about Earth Sciences that he did at CEREGE, FRANCE. He did a Research project internship at TOTAL & CEREGE in Pau (France) and another Research geoscientist internship at TOTAL & CEREGE in Paris (France) where he did analysis of fracture interactions from field data and implication for DFN modeling.

Pauline Davrinche is the communication manager of the MEET project and is based at UniLaSalle Beauvais. Pauline holds a bachelor’s degree in communication and marketing. She also has a master’s degree in communication 360° and innovation.

She has a 3 years experience in international communication for an automotive premium paint manufacturer.
