Mobile ORC demonstration

Oil & Geothermal coproduction

Name: CAX85 ORC turbine project
Location: Cazaux oil field (FR)
Project status: to be started early 2021
Owner: Vermilion Energy
Operator: Vermilion Energy
Key figures
This project aims to co-produce low-temperature electricity from an active petroleum well (CAX85).
Cazaux field is located South West of France, in the Aquitaine basin. This field gathers 34 active wells and hot water is reinjected in the oil reservoir for pressure support through 17 injector wells.
Within MEET, the Cazaux Purbeckian field represents the 2nd sedimentary demonstration site for ENOGIA’s low temperature electricity turbine.

Cazaux demonstration site location (Image: Vermilion©)
The Cazaux Purbeckian field was discovered in 1961 and is located 3200 m deep. Fluvial and tidal sandstones characterize its reservoir.
The fluid extracted from CAX85 shows a temperature of 95°C at the surface and flows at 275 m3/d.

Cross section of West Cazaux

The to-be-connected ORC unit (Image: Vermilion©)
A 20 kW turbine designed by ENOGIA will be connected to the producer wellhead CAX85 to convert heat into electricity for a 5-month period.
Electricity genereted from this ORC technology will be consumed on site.

Diagram of the general principle of the heat into electricity conversion.