Dr Albert Genter is a structural geologist with a strong experience in deep fractured reservoirs who obtained his PhD degree at the University of Orléans (France) in 1989. His main research focus deals with fracture studies from cores, outcrops and geothermal wells, and with hydrothermal alteration of crystalline rocks (clay minerals).
Dr Albert Genter is the Deputy General Manager of ES-Géothermie, a subsidiary of Electricité de Strasbourg (ES) from 2014. He has 34 years of experience in Geosciences and more specifically in deep geothermal energy. A. Genter was previously Scientific Manager of the EEIG Heat Mining called the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal project from 2007 to 2013. Before joining ES-Géothermie, Mr Genter had been working for 27 years for the French Geological Survey, BRGM in Orléans in various applied geoscience fields (cliff collapse, radioactive disposal, fractured reservoir, and geothermal energy).
At ES-Géothermie, Albert Genter is involved as a scientist or project manager in many R&D geothermal projects at national (ANR, ANRT, ADEME) and European scales (H2020, EIT RM, ERANET Geothermica).
From July 2016, Albert Genter has been re-elected for 4 years at IGA (International Geothermal Association) as member of Board of Director, representing France. He is author or co-author of about 50 scientific papers published in peer review journals.
In the framework of the H2020 MEET project, Albert acts as project coordinator. He is also deeply involved in work package 3 dealing with the Soultz site study and operation. He is also deeply involved in work package 5 dealing with chemical stimulation in the Cornwall geothermal site.