Profile & expertise

ES-Geothermie is a subsidiary of the ES (Electricité de Strasbourg) Group, part of EDF. ESG is a centre of expertise for deep geothermal energy Enhanced Geothermal System (EGS). This engineering company is made of 22 permanent staff with scientists, engineers and technicians.


Role in the Project

ESG is the project coordinator. ESG is responsible for surface studies during geothermal reinjection (low temperature corrosion, high temperature corrosion, pipe design, on-site fluid monitoring), reservoir monitoring (temperature, pressure, flow rate, induced micro-seismicity), and HT reservoir modelling. ESG contributes to demonstration tasks by designing chemical stimulation in the Cornwall geothermal production well and testing on the Soultz site, innovative electricity production technology.

Dr Albert Genter is a structural geologist with a strong experience in deep fractured reservoirs who obtained his PhD degree at the University of Orléans (France) in 1989. His main research focus deals with fracture studies from cores, outcrops and geothermal wells, and with hydrothermal alteration of crystalline rocks (clay minerals).

Dr Albert Genter is the Deputy General Manager of ES-Géothermie, a subsidiary of Electricité de Strasbourg (ES) from 2014. He has 34 years of experience in Geosciences and more specifically in deep geothermal energy. A. Genter was previously Scientific Manager of the EEIG Heat Mining called the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal project from 2007 to 2013. Before joining ES-Géothermie, Mr Genter had been working for 27 years for the French Geological Survey, BRGM in Orléans in various applied geoscience fields (cliff collapse, radioactive disposal, fractured reservoir, and geothermal energy).

At ES-Géothermie, Albert Genter is involved as a scientist or project manager in many R&D geothermal projects at national (ANR, ANRT, ADEME) and European scales (H2020, EIT RM, ERANET Geothermica).

From July 2016, Albert Genter has been re-elected for 4 years at IGA (International Geothermal Association) as member of Board of Director, representing France. He is author or co-author of about 50 scientific papers published in peer review journals.

In the framework of the H2020 MEET project, Albert acts as project coordinator. He is also deeply involved in work package 3 dealing with the Soultz site study and operation. He is also deeply involved in work package 5 dealing with chemical stimulation in the Cornwall geothermal site.

MEET - Albert Genter

Eléonore Dalmais is a geosciences engineer graduated from Nancy National School of Geology, with a solid experience in resources exploration, 3D modelling and geophysical logging.

After five years working for uranium mining, she joined ES Géothermie in 2013 where she contributes to the exploration, targeting, drilling and testing of deep geothermal wells in Alsace (Rittershoffen, Illkirch, Wissembourg…). She is also involved in Rittershoffen geothermal plant exploitation as referent in radiation protection and previously as a member of on-call emergency team for plant commissioning. She participated to several national and international projects dealing with geothermal energy (EGS Alsace, ANR Cantare, GOSPEL).

In the framework of the H2020 MEET project, Eleonore acts as deputy to the project coordinator. She is leader of work package 1 ensuring good HSE practices within the project. She is also deeply involved in work package 3 and 6 dealing with the Soultz demonstration site and has been leading work package 3 for 1.5 year.

E Dalmais_ESG

Alexandre Richard has an engineer degree in geophysics. After his diploma he joined CGG Veritas as an R&D engineer in the field of 4D seismic monitoring. 4 years later he decided to take off a new challenge. He joined the Thales Company and worked for the CNES (National Center of Spatial Studies) in the development of algorithms for the trajectory control of civil and military satellites.
Alexandre finally decided to go back to Alsace and joined 4 years ago ES-Géothermie as a project leader engineer. His job consists in pull up the geothermal energy field by working throught diverse project and tasks (H2020, ADEME, administrative file of Exclusive Research Permit and Request for Authorization to Open Mining Works, exploration, etc.).
But, his most important mission was the First French 3D seismic reflection dedicated to deep geothermal energy (200 km²).

Within the MEET Project Alexandre is the leader of the work package 3 (Upsacalling of thermal power production and optimized operation of EGS plants).


Olivier SEIBEL is a process engineer specialized in thermal power plants. Before joining the geothermal industry, he had a three-year experience at Alstom Power on international projects as a process engineer on a 1000 MW coal power plant in Malaysia and as a commissioning engineer of a 300 MW shale oil power plant in Estonia. Olivier entered the GEIE EMC in 2015 to redesign the geothermal power plant of Soultz-sous-Forêts, and then joined ESG in 2017 for the exploitation of Soultz-sous-Forêts and Rittershoffen geothermal power plants. He has a strong background in Water and Steam Cycles and in the design and maintenance operations of geothermal power plants. Olivier will also be involved in the design and development of the Illkirch project which is being tested and drilled close to Strasbourg.

Within MEET project, Olivier acts as Exploitation Manager. He is also deeply involved in all the site tests performed at the Soultz-sous-Forêts geothermal power plant.


Guillaume Ravier is an experienced process engineer specialized in geothermal power plants for heat and power generation. He firstly entered the GEIE EMC in 2007 to contribute to the electrical works and the automation of the first ORC at Soultz-sous-Forêts. Then he joined ES-Géothermie in 2008 for the commissioning and the operation of the Soultz geothermal plant. Since 2008, he contributed to several potential studies for industrial and heat district application. From 2012 to 2016, he was a member of the technical team in charge of the design and the management of the Rittershoffen geothermal plant and of the transport loop to the Roquette bio refinery, the heat user. From 2016, he is member of the technical team in charge of the operation of Soultz and Rittershoffen. He also contributes to French projects in Alsace dealing with geothermal energy (EGS Alsace…) and he will be involved in the design and development of the Illkirch project located close to Strasbourg.

In the framework of the H2020 MEET project, Guillaume is involved in work package 3 dealing with the Soultz site study and operation, as well as with work package 6 dealing with power plant up-scaling.

G_Ravier ESG

Vincent Maurer is a geophysicist with a strong experience in seismology who obtained his PhD degree at the ETH Zürich (Switzerland) in 2009. His main research focus deals with induced micro-earthquakes monitoring that occurs during geothermal wells stimulations, and during the geothermal plants exploitation.

Dr Vincent Maurer is a geophysicist engineer at ES-Géothermie, a subsidiary of Electricité de Strasbourg (ES) since 2010. He has 16 years of experience in Geosciences and more specifically in deep geothermal energy. Before joining ES-Géothermie, Mr Maurer had been working at the French Atomic Energy Commission for 2 years in various applied geophysical fields (infra-sounds, seismology).

At ES-Géothermie, Vincent Maurer is involved as a scientist or engineer in many R&D geothermal projects at national (ANR, ADEME) and European scales (H2020). He is author or co-author of about 30 scientific papers published in peer review journals or in international conferences.

In the framework of the H2020 MEET project, Vincent Maurer is involved in work package 3 dealing with the Soultz site study and operation.

V_Maurer ESG

Justine Mouchot is a scientist with a Master degree in Earth Sciences, focused on Fluid/Rock interaction and Petrophysics from University of Strasbourg (France). She joined ES-Géothermie in June 2017 as geochemical engineer in Exploitation Maintenance and Engineering team, to work on scaling and corrosion issues management of the two geothermal plants, Rittershoffen and Soultz-sous-Forêts. Justine is involved in public funded projects (H2020, GEOTHERMICA, GEODENERGIES) on these topics, working on efficiency assessment of applied chemical treatments, at high temperature and on-site monitoring.

Miss Mouchot has a five-year experience in applied underground usages (deep geothermal energy and CO2 storage branches) acquired during a first professional experience at European institute for Energy research, Karlsruhe, Germany.

In the framework of H2020 MEET project, Justine is involved in the WP3 and WP6 on fluid/rock interaction at low temperatures related to scaling and corrosion processes, working with CYU and ICI respectively.

J_Mouchot ESG