On May 2019, 21st to 23rd, MEET project held its 2nd general assembly in Zagreb. It was the opportunity to celebrate the 1st anniversary of the project!
These two days allow the partners to exchange and share first project results as well as work in groups on different topics to further detail the next major steps within the project.
After one year of project, some operational experiments have already been running such has a test heat exchanger to valorize calories down to 40°C at Soultz-sous-Forêts EGS plant. And some other are ready to start, such as a mobile ORC that will generate electricity from an oil well in Chaunoy (France). For the characterization of the four Variscan reservoir types across Europe, field investigations are well advanced and most of laboratory experiments have already started.
To maintain the high level of team spirit the host organized a great visit of the Electrical Engineering Laboratory of the University of Zagreb-FER on the first day and a very nice group activity to the Plitvice lake national park on the 23rd of May. This was a funny day all together.