The MEET Project is facing the Covid-19 situation as many of H2020 projects over the world since many weeks. However, this pandemic did not stopped the partners’ motivation work forward this great demonstration project!
The members of the consortium have decided to maintain the 24th Month General Assembly (GA) that was supposed to take place on April 23rd and 24th in Reykjavik (Iceland) just before the WGC2020 and to make it happen remotely. The first day, 38 people attended the meeting thanks to a remote online tool and the second day, 36 members were connected to hear the progresses of each Work Packages of the project. The Project Officer, Susanna Galloni, attended to talk about the solutions brought by the EU Commission to face the pandemic situation.
Each Work Package leader presented their main results since the last General Assembly and the action plan for the next 6 months to come. Despite those particular times, all members of the consortium were motivated to contribute to this GA and participate to an amazing interactive workshop on data management.
Today, the situation is moving in a positive direction with an upturn in activity.